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Who We Are

A Community of Faith

Every Christian is called to follow Jesus and to teach others everything he did and taught. We believe that our greatest joy is to live in light of Jesus’ teachings and to tell others about him. As followers of Jesus, we want to ensure that all of us are fully-engaged in loving our families, neighbors, co-workers, and community in practical ways that highlight the beauty of knowing and having a life changed by Jesus.

Image by Aaron Burden

Core Values

God's Word

We believe that the primary way that God relates to His people is through His Word. On Sunday mornings you will see this expressed in expository preaching. Expository preaching is a commitment to not add or take away from what God's Word says. We believe that God's Word is inerrant and sufficient.


We believe that we are called by Christ to make disciples of all nations. Discipleship is a commitment to other believers to teach them, encourage them, and lovingly hold them accountable to growing in Christ. We are both on a journey of learning what it means to follow Jesus as individuals and as a community.

Evangelism, Missions, & Service

We believe that God has called us to reach our family, community, and the nations for the Gospel. We seek to meet the needs of those around us for the opportunity to share the good news of the Gospel. We count a joy to share the good news of Jesus that saved us and has the power to save others.


We believe that inherent to being human is being in community. We were never meant to live in isolation from each other. We want people to know others and be known—in their joys and in their struggles.


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